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TIM ranked fastest 5g mobile network in Europe

The acknowledgement comes from Opensignal, which included the Group in the world’s top 30

09/21/2021 - 03:38 PM

Opensignal – the independent global standard for measuring the user experience of mobile networks – has published the 5G Global Mobile Network Experience Awards report, which positions TIM in the top spot in Europe for 5G mobile network download speed.

The report also places TIM in the world’s top 30 for uplift between 4G and 5G networks in download and upload speeds and user experience in video and gaming.

Based on an independent analysis of measurements collected from 1 January to 29 June 2021, the research analysed the mobile network user experience of the world’s leading operators and found that TIM customers achieved 5G download speeds of 296.5 Mbps – over 1000% faster than 4G download speeds.

This further achievement once again confirms TIM’s commitment to developing ever higher fixed and mobile network connections and an excellent customer experience.

5G – together with ultra-broadband networks – is one of the key levers of Italy’s digitisation process. Thanks to these solutions, it will be possible to scale up Cloud technologies, Artificial Intelligence and big data, bringing enormous benefits to the lives of citizens, industry and government bodies.


Rome, 21 September 2021



Press note

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