Become citizens of the web, developing the critical spirit to fight misinformation on-line and increase the new communication skills through the digital media.
With these objectives, registration started today for the first cycle of 'Appuntamento con i Digital Media [Appointment with Digital Media]' lessons, intended for middle and secondary schools. The free training programme developed by TIM for the Italian Digital Media Observatory (IDMO), with the support of researchers and experts, seeks to fight misinformation and fake news on the internet and to teach correct and aware use of the media.
Schools, teachers and students interested can register for each lesson directly on the IDMO education page (
The training cycle features a full schedule of both live and on-demand lessons streamed from a virtual classroom and video pills on Digital and Media Literacy, as well as interactive games and a sign language service (LIS). The course will be completed with tests on what has been learnt and an attendance certificate for teachers, which can be recognised on 'S.O.F.I.A.', the Ministry of Education platform which certifies teacher training. Schools playing a more active part will be assigned the title of ‘Digital & Media Educator’.
The first of the four live seminars is on 23 March with the 'L’ABC del digitale [Digital ABC]', an appointment that will help understand the importance of digital skills in contemporary society.
To then continue on 6 April with 'Siamo tutti creatori [We are all creators]' to reflect on and understand the ways, languages and effects of creating web content. On 20 April, there will be the 'Privacy e Diritto d’autore [Privacy and Copyright]' lesson, to identify the critical aspects of the creation and sharing of content. On 4 May, the appointment is with 'Information disorder' to learn how to critically appraise information and recognise fake news. The next editions of the four live appointments will be available for consultation on
This training programme is flanked by activities carried out by the TIM Data Room, the corporate unit that analyses digital data from the internet and which will perform specific analyses for IDMO with the aim of explaining what happens on-line when untruthful or distorted information is spread.
With these initiatives TIM confirms its commitment to increase digital skills throughout the country, promoting an aware use of new digital communication tools. The company supports the activities of the IDMO - Italian Digital Media Observatory - which is responsible for pursuing, in Italy, the work of the European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) on the impact of fake news and the spread of good practices in the use of digital media.
The entire hub is coordinated by Data Lab Luiss - research centre of the Luiss Guido Carli University – and, alongside TIM, also involves other important partners: Rai, Gedi, Tor Vergata University of Rome, NewsGuard, Pagella Politica and T6 Ecosystem.
Rome, 9 March 2022