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TIM, wins bronze medal for sustainability

Telecom Italia has won yet another corporate responsibility accolade and was awarded a “Silver Medal” for sustainability, scoring high marks in the RobecoSAM Annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

02/14/2019 - 09:36 AM


Telecom Italia has won yet another corporate responsibility accolade and was awarded a “Silver Medal” for sustainability, scoring high marks in the RobecoSAM Annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).

This prize, called Bronze Class Distinction, awards companies

  • that score at least 54 overall points;
  • whose score is between 5% and 10% of the top performing companies in the respective sector.

In his congratulatory remarks on the achievement, the RobecoSAM Co-CEO Daniel Wild, PhD, remarked that this year the Yearbook will give wider public access to the ranking data of all companies while the assessment of corporate sustainability has become increasingly challenging.

“We congratulate TIM on its Bronze Award in The Sustainability Yearbook 2019, which showcases the best performing companies among industry peers and in terms of financially material ESG metrics. As the Corporate Sustainability Assessment constantly raises the bar, so the Yearbook remains a highly credible source of corporate sustainability insights. This year it is launched under the SAM brand, and with increased public access to the percentile rankings of all companies.„

Daniel Wild, PhD, Co-CEO RobecoSAM

RobecoSAM Annual CSA - 2018 in figures

  • 2,686 companies assessed
  • from 43 Countries worldwide
  • from 60 industries
  • 2,435,268 data point collected
  • 166,222 documents uploaded