We are building a sustainable future by reducing TIM’s environmental impact and encouraging our customers and TIM people to make sustainable behaviour and lifestyle choices.
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04/22/2021 - 09:10 AM
We are building a sustainable future by reducing TIM’s environmental impact and encouraging our customers and TIM people to make sustainable behaviour and lifestyle choices.
TIM's path to carbon neutrality
To achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, we have started with renewable energy: in 2020 this represented 30% of the TIM Group’s consumption.
During the same year, despite the increase of data traffic on fixed and mobile networks, we increased our eco-efficiency by more than 52% compared to 2019, thanks to energy consumption containment measures.
Again in 2020 we made our data centers more efficient, greener, and also more technologically advanced, opening in Greece, with Sparkle, the first data center built under eco-sustainable criteria and 100% powered by renewable energy.
We also modernised our company offices and made them more suitable for new work models, characterised by the agile working approach, as a means to contribute to reducing our environmental footprint by creating a situation requiring less travel and, therefore, consuming less resources and materials and producing less waste.
In 2020, with TIM employees working remotely, we were able to save 163 thousand tons of CO2.
At the beginning of this year, we launched our first Sustainability Bond, with the aim of also financing the transformation of the network from copper to optical fibre which is up to 60% more eco-efficient than ADSL.
With our customers, for the environment
Our cloud and ICT solutions, such as those offered by Noovle, help companies work more efficiently and do business more sustainably, and with more respect towards the environment.
In fact, by transferring software applications to the cloud, energy savings of 87% can be achieved *.
Smart working and integrated digital education are two of the widest spread applications of these solutions, and can improve quality of life and reduce environmental impact.
Advanced services can truly make a difference to the lives of those living in urban areas: such is the case of Venice, for example, where we have created the Smart Control Room that can improve vital aspects of citizens’ lives, such as their mobility and safety, through an urban intelligence model that could also be extended to other cities.
We have also launched the TIM Green line: a series of products designed applying "design for environment" rules and made according to energy efficiency principles with eco-compatible, recycled or recyclable materials.
Our path to sustainability has continued through a collaboration with Green Pea, the first concept store dedicated to eco-sustainable purchases.
Circular economy initiatives
We believe that in order to reduce our environmental footprint we need to do more than reduce our consumption of resources and products; so we have implemented circular economy initiatives to extend the life cycles of our products.
As part of the TIM Green line, we are offering refurbished smart phones with which those who choose to purchase responsibly can save 50 kg of CO2, the amount required to manufacture a new phone.
In 2020, we also reused 10,000 pieces of refurbished network equipment that were reinstalled all over the country.
We also implemented these initiatives during the renovation and efficiency works at our offices, signing an agreement with Caritas Campania for the donation of discarded PCs and furniture to under-privileged families.
Environment and technology: a new awareness
A culture of sustainability and consciousness of how each of us can contribute with behaviors and actions are already common: responsible consumption, waste reduction, use of clean energy are finally shared objectives.
Until now the fields that have been mainly associated with this change of perspective are just a few, agriculture and transportation are amongst these, and still not many Italian consumers are conscious of the environmental impact of their choice while purchasing, for instance, hi-tech products and services **.
The future of the green revolution also passes through here, a wider consciousness of the role of technology and its applications; in the TIM Group we are ready to accompany our customers in this journey.
* Source: Google, Lawrence Berkeley Nation Laboratory, Northwestern University
**Servizi e prodotti green, Centro Studi TIM
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