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Human rights

“We believe that respect for Human Rights is the foundation for Liberty, Justice and Peace„

From the preamble of the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" approved by the UN General Assembly on the 10th December 1948

Why adopting a Policy on Human Rights

In the TLC sector the respect of Human Rights is crucial, as - though its activities - it has impacts, for example, on the possibility of accessing technologies and services (digital inclusion, both from a  territorial and a social point of view), especially for the most vulnerable, on the rights to privacy and personal data protection, on the right to freedom of expression, especially online, on the protection of minors from adult content and gambling, cyber-bullying, on the electromagnetic fields.

The Policy is also required by

  • international institutions, first of all the UN
  • NGOs
  • rating agencies

In addition to this, the European Union issued a specific Directive (95/2014) requiring companies like TIM to include such a Policy from 2017 onwards.

Purpose and recipients

We believe that respect for Human Rights is the foundation for Liberty, Justice and Peace and our commitment to Human Rights is stated in our Code of Ethics and Conduct and in all our relevant policies. We aim to be a responsible player, acting fairly in our activities, and to conduct business in an ethical and sustainability way, in all of its spheres of influence: employees, customers, partners, and across the supply chain.

The purpose of the Policy is of embedding the Human Rights in TIM’s operations, linking them to the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Group.

The Policy addresses the complete TIM "value chain", that is:

  •     the supply-chain
  •     any third party entering in business with TIM
  •     our customers (especially the most vulnerable)

The international context

The most relevant reference at an international level are:

  •   the UN, regarding especially the International Charter for Human Rights, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Global Compact
  •     the European Union
  •     the OECD

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights require that companies do internal due diligence on Human Rights.TIM did it in 2014.

Among the due diligence objectives are:

  •     identifying the Human Rights that could be influenced negatively by our business activities
  •     defining a roadmap to improvement, through initiatives involving our interested stakeholders

“In the belief that a responsible Enterprise should be an advocate of Human Rights both inside and outside its own boundaries, we are committed to be a proactive leader in international as well as local Human Rights initiatives and networks, at the inter-sectorial and at the sectorial level.„

Policy on Human Rights - TIM Group

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