TIM's new image
A new image with a dynamic style, modern colours and people occupying almost the entire scene. Read more
FY 2024 Preliminary Results and Strategic Plan update
Webcast and live Q&A on Thursday 13 February 2025 at 11:00 AM CET. Find information
Sustainability for TIM
We want to help accelerate the sustainable growth of the economy and society by bringing value and prosperity to people, companies and institutions. Read more
Latest press releases
Read the latest press releases and search the archives of TIM Group's Press Office. Read more
“TIM is changing its skin and the new image that represents us reflects the path of renewal we are taking. For over one hundred years we have been the heart of innovation in Italy and we continue to evolve to accompany the country's economic and social development. We are driving the development of digital and we are doing so by continuing to be close to our customers, the people and businesses that every day turn to us to simplify the way they live, work, study, have fun and connect.” Pietro Labriola, TIM CEO
Launching our new identity is the institutional commercial, which portrays the evolution of communication in Italy and tells the story of how our company, yesterday and today, drives innovation and change, supporting and encouraging new lifestyles and connections between people. |
To the notes of Alan Sorrenti's "Figli delle stelle" - a song that transforms with the passage of time just like technology - we retrace the evolution of the last 50 years and the way TIM is always at people's side, accompanying them through the changes that mark life and the progress of society. A journey from the ‘old’ phone box to the first mobile phones, up to artificial intelligence and modern smart cities, which closes with the claim "Wherever you are, we will be there" to express TIM's promise: to continue to bring innovation to Italy, to chart the evolution of our society. |
The new brand identity has a more contemporary look, recalls movement and conveys simplicity and closeness to our customers. The images become even more incisive, portraying subjects from different, dynamic perspectives, and helping to communicate innovation as the beating heart of growth. The messages become even more direct and memorable, addressing all generations as the digital future. The TIM ICON, the brand emblem, becomes more prominent and the blue becomes brighter and more vibrant, an "ultra blue". |