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TIM at NexusForum2024

Presentation of IPCEI-CIS project activities.

10/01/2024 - 05:00 PM

On 19 and 20 September, Brussels hosted NexusForum 2024, the annual event promoted by the European Commission to foster exchange and synergy between European companies involved in research and innovation initiatives.

The summit was attended by leading players in EU-funded research projects, and, in particular, by member companies of the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud, and companies from Member States participating in the IPCEI on Cloud Infrastructure and Services. The meeting provided a shared opportunity to discuss relevant topics in the European context, such as Cloud and Edge technologies, Digital Sovereignty, and Artificial Intelligence.

In particular, the morning of 20 September was dedicated to the public presentation of the IPCEI-CIS initiative, during which we had the opportunity to talk about the organisation of the "TIM Edge & Cloud Continuum" project, and also the main innovations the project is working on: the federation between Edge Cloud platforms of different Providers and open-source technologies for edge infrastructure management (first of all, through the Linux Foundation Europe's Sylva project).
On these two areas, TIM is open to collaborations and experimentation activities, not only with partners already working in IPCEI, but also with other European enterprises that would like to approach the project, and use its results to build new services and solutions.