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Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting - 15 May 2012: submission of slates

04/02/2012 - 09:00 AM

Consob has published the minimum shareholding required to submit slates of candidates for election to the administration and control bodies of the company resolution n. 18083 of 25 January 2012; for Telecom Italia the minimum shareholding is 1% of the ordinary share capital.

Therefore those shareholders who jointly or separately hold shares representing at least 1% of the ordinary share capital are entitled to present slates of candidates for appointment to the Board of Auditors.

Pursuant to art. 17.4 of the Company Bylaws each shareholder may present a single slate, alone or jointly with others, and each candidate may be presented in a single slate, on penalty of ineligibility.

The candidates for appointment to the Board of Auditors must fulfil the requirements laid down by law.

The slates must be filed at the Registered Offices of the Company at the following address:

Corporate Affairs
Piazza degli Affari n. 2

by 20 April 2012.

Certification of intermediaries attesting that they hold the shareholding at the date on which the slate is presented must reach the Company by 24 April 2012.

Any changes registered to holding of the presenting shareholder after the date of filing of the slate have no effect on their entitlement to exercise their rights.

The following documents must be filed with each slate:

- by the individual candidates,

·     their declaration of acceptance to be a candidate,

·     a declaration attesting that no causes of ineligibility or incompatibility exist, and that the candidate meets the legal requisites,

·     a detailed account of their personal and professional attributes.

The Company must be promptly informed of any changes that occur prior to the day the actual Meeting takes place.

- shareholders submitting the slate must also provide the information relating to their identity, indicating the total number of shares they hold; shareholders other than the majority shareholder must also file a declaration attesting that there are no connecting relations pursuant to Article 144-quinquies of the Issuer Regulations.

Properly presented slates will be made available to the public at the Registered Office of the Company and at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., as well as on the company website by 24 April 2012.

Reference regulation

art. 148, comma 3 D.Lgs. n.58/1998 (“Testo unico della Finanza” o “TUF”)

- art. 144-ter, 144-quinquies e 144-sexies del Regolamento Emittenti Consob (del. n.11971/1999 e successive modificazioni)

- art. 17 Statuto sociale (.pdf file)