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Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting - May 4, 2018

05/24/2018 - 06:00 PM


Here you can find all the documents and the information concerning Telecom Italia Shareholders' Meeting - May 4, 2018.


Questions submitted prior to the meeting

    The Company informs that no question on the topics on the agenda of the meeting has been received, either timely or even after the deadline the Company set forth. Please note the meeting has been convened and will take place on May 4, 2018 (in Rozzano, Viale Toscana n. 3, at 11.00 AM) in order to debate and resolve upon the following items:

    •     Appointment of the Board of Directors ‐ Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors
    •     Appointment of the Board of Directors - Determination of the Board of Directors’ term of office
    •     Appointment of the Board of Directors - Appointment of the Directors by slate vote
    •     Appointment of the Board of Directors - Determination of the remuneration of the Board of Directors

    The report of the Board of Directors on the matters included in the agenda, the slates that were duly filed, the candidates’ declarations and curricula vitae, the ancillary proposals the shareholders made known in advance are all posted at .
    Shareholders who sent questions and comments (as above: not relevant vis-à-vis the agenda, and therefore not replied to) will be able to address the ordinary corporate contact points for clarifications, if they need any.

    Voting resolutions