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New recruits

Joining TIM means setting off on a real journey in a large organisation that stretches all over Italy and beyond!

We have laid out an onboarding path for new employees that values their needs and specific skills, along with their professional and personal stories.

The modular structure we have adopted lets you personalise everything about your path, from its length to training and professional development, based on the seniority and experience of every person.

We are with you right from the very first phases of welcome and settling in, helping you get to know the specifics of your role and your place in the organisation, easing you into your working team and the company as a whole and laying the foundations for an individual, well-informed and shared project of professional growth.

After onboarding, this path takes young employees through individual development and training plans.

Joining projects that are of value to TIM's business and innovation, using methods of "learning by doing" and "cross fertilisation", getting support from qualified coaches and mentors with years of experience in the company, are choices that will help pave your growth paths and let you give your very best in the new challenges  we are facing.


TIM Academy


The TIM Academy is our corporate university, the point of reference for all training and professional development activities on the path, which overlap, with a balance between online and in person, to take on board recent government instructions.

The paths are defined by webinars, traditional classrooms, educational workshops, knowledge sharing activities, on-site visits and experience in the field at companies that represent the tradition and innovation of TIM. The individual is seen as the determining factor in these paths, because to make a difference every one of us has to make a contribution.

We can only take on new challenges with skilful, motivated people on side.  If you want to be one of us send your application.