An agreement was signed today in Rome between the State Police and Telecom Italia to prevent and combat IT crime that damages Telecom Italia's critical technological infrastructure, nerve centres for Italian telecommunications.
The aim of the agreement, signed by Alessandro Pansa, Chief of the Police, and Marco Patuano, Chief Executive Officer of Telecom Italia, is for the adoption of shared intervention procedures and the exchange of information useful to prevent and fight against IT attacks of a criminal or terrorist nature.
The activity is performed for the State Police by the Centro Nazionale Anticrimine Informatico per la Protezione delle Infrastrutture Critiche (C.N.A.I.P.I.C.), (the Italian national computer crime centre for critical infrastructure protection centre), run by the Post and Communications Police.
The agreement between the parties, which will last for three years, and can be extended, follows the agreement signed in December 2009 in implementation of the Ministry of the Interior decree of 9 January 2008, which identified the critical IT infrastructure of national interest, namely the IT or telematic services and systems run by public bodies or private companies, that govern the sectors that are nerve centres for the functioning of the country.
The positive results achieved to date confirm the commitment and collaboration between the Post and Communications Police Service and Telecom Italia which, thanks to this major initiative, will extend their collaboration to develop activities to prevent and repress IT crime according to the principles of shared security, to the advantage of the whole of society, thus contributing to contain the operating costs of interruptions to the services supplied through IT and telecommunications systems.
At the signing of the renewal of the agreement, the following people were present: for the Department of Public Safety, the Chief of Police, Prefect Alessandro Pansa, and the Central Director of the Highway, Rail, Communications and Special Divisions of the State Police Roberto Sgalla, and Director of the Post and Communications Police Service Antonio Apruzzese.
Rome, 6 May 2015