The fifth installment of the sessions will be held tomorrow from 9.30 at the convent, which is the Headquarters of Telecom Italia’s Future Centre. It is an initiative through which Telecom, with the help of Nòva24, proposes to start research on different aspects of the future, with the aid of intellectuals, researchers, artists, journalists and business men.
At the meeting, titled “Design the future”, big names from the World of planning and internal architecture, from and the rest of the World, will share their views. Luca De Biase will co-ordinate the guest speakers, like Justin McGuirck, editor of London’s ICON magazine, Guta Moura Guedes, editor of Lisbon’s Experiment Design, Aldo Colonetti, scientific editor of IED and editor of Ottagono, interactive designer Elio Caccavale, Carlo Guglielmi president and managing director of FontanaArte and president of Cosmit, Stefano Mirti manager of NABA and partner of Id Lab, designer Bruna Cortinovis, chief editor of DOMUS Joseph Grima, Kartell’s marketing director Lorenza Luti, and the Architecture and Design lecturer Giacomo Pirazzoli.
Anyone interested can follow the event online at
Finally, in the next few days, the website will host all the videos from the discussions and further ideas for debates.
Venice, 1st July 2010