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Telecom Italia: reported to the public prosecutor's office for the divulgation of the AGCM sudit proceedings

Full co-operation with the Authority but sever damage has resulted from the circulation of restricted and sensitive data.

07/02/2010 - 03:30 PM

Telecom Italia has given a mandate to its legal representative to present a charge to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Rome as a result of the diffusion of reserved proceedings (audit communication and attached documentation) relating to the inspection of its offices by the Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato (Guarantor fro Authority and Market) with the aid of the Guardia di Finanza (Finance Guard), in sphere of the A/428 investigation.

The company highlights how the diffusion of the proceedings of the inspection can cause severe damage because they contain information and data which is extremely sensitive and relevant for the company’s activities.

Telecom Italia reaffirms its complete co-operation with the AGCM to supply all documentation and the information necessary to carry out the investigation and to prove the unfounded nature of the complaints about presumed illicit behaviour put forward by alternative operators.


Rome, 2nd July 2010