Telecom Italia is the protagonist of Remote Future 2010, the event being held at the City of Science in Naples on 12 - 28 November, with the Telecom Italia Future Lab, an interactive display for discovering how the home of the future will be.
Are we coming back from a long vacation and want to find a relaxing, welcoming atmosphere at home? Have we organised an evening with friends at the last minute, and want a perfectly coke dinner without any effort? Is that long hoped-for romantic evening coming, when we want to ensure that everything is perfect, from the musical background to the brightness of the lighting? The home of the future will enable us to do these things and much more. A single device will be able to dialogue with all the electronic systems in the house, and regulate them according to the specific requirements indicated by use by a simple touch screen, at any time and wherever we may be.
The guests at the Telecom Italia Future lab will take this leap into a digital future that is much closer than we might suspect. Visiting the various parts of the exhibition, the public can interact with this home through a device using RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology; once the preferences of each guest are recorded, the device will dialogue with the stereo, the oven, the lighting system and all the other electronic facilities to create the conditions most suited to every need. A change to directly try the many technological innovations that will soon radically change our daily lives. All the visitors will also be provided with a code enabling them to continue to interact with the home of the future directly from their own PC, by accessing the Telecom Italia website
The Telecom Italia Future Lab is located in the City of Science in Naples, Via Coroglio 104, and is open free of charge every day, from Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, and Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 7 pm.
Rome, 11 November 2010