There are 150 more trees in Milan's Parco Nord, more specifically in the Cormano area. TIM employees planted them on 9 April as part of a forest redevelopment event that helps expand urban green areas and generate ecosystem services for the local area and the residents, with the aim of strengthening TIM Group's commitment to environmental protection.
The trees planted will absorb around 50 tonnes of CO2 over their average 30-year life span, the equivalent of the emissions from approximately 500 refrigerators running for 1 year.
The initiative was promoted together with Rete Clima, a non-profit organisation specialising in promoting sustainability in organisations with the support of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition and in accordance with Rete Clima's Foresta Italia® Protocol, which lays down a series of technical requirements focussing particularly on the use of native species and maintenance guarantees.
The Group is also planning a project in Umbria to support the management of the Pieve-Piegaro City Forest in collaboration with the PEFC forest certification system, with the aim of expanding natural ecosystems in the area, monitoring and protecting rare tree species to support the biological diversity of forests.