Il percorso del Piano Industriale di TIM
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Risultati Q3/9M 2024
Il 14 novembre 2024 il Management di TIM ha presentato i risultati del Q3/9M 2024 approvati dal Consiglio di Amministrazione. Approfondisci
La sostenibilità per TIM
Vogliamo contribuire ad accelerare la crescita sostenibile dell’economia e della società portando valore e benessere alle persone, alle aziende, alle istituzioni. Approfondisci
Ultimi Comunicati Stampa
Leggi gli ultimi comunicati stampa e naviga nell'archivio dell'Ufficio Stampa del Gruppo TIM. Leggi i comunicati
1x EVDO - 1x EVolution, Data Optimized
2G - 2nd Generation Cellular Network (riferito alle reti di accesso radio GSM/GPRS/EDGE)
256QAM - 256 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
25GS-PON - 25 Gigabit Symmetric Passive Optical Network
3D - Tridimensionale
3D - Three Dimensions
3G - 3rd Generation (riferito alle reti di accesso radio UMTS/HSPA)
3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project - 3G Partership Project
3GPP SA - 3GPP SErvices and Systems Aspects
4G LTE - 4th Generation LTE (Long Term Evolution)
50G-PON - 50-Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network
5G - 5th Generation Cellular Network
5GAA - 5G Automotive Association
5G ACIA - 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation
5G-EIR - 5G Equipment Identity Register
5G NR - 5G New Radio
5G NSA - 5G Non StandAlone
5G SA - 5G StandAlone
5G PPP - The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership
5GAA - 5G Automotive Association
5GC - 5G Core network
5GIA - 5G Infrastructure Association
5GMS - 5G Media Streaming
5G RG - 5G Residential Gateway
6G - 6th Generation Cellular Network
6G IA - 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association
6GHI - 6G Health Institute
AA - Advanced Analytics
AAA - Authentication Authorization and Accounting
AAC - Advanced Audio Coding
AAF - Application Authorization Framework
AAGG GW - Attività Giudiziarie Gateway
AAS - Active Antenna System
AAS - Advanced Antenna System
ABE - Attribute-Based Encryption
ABR - Adaptive Bit Rate
ABR - Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
ABS - Almost Blank Subframes
ABS - Sistema Antibloccaggi
AC - Alternative Current
AC/DC inverter - Convertitore da Alternata a Continua
ACM - Automatic Configuration Management
ACS - Auto Configuration Server
ADAS - Advanced Driver Assistance System
AdR - Area di Raccolta
ADSL - Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line
AEB - Automated Emergency Braking
AEEGSI - Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica, il Gas e Servizi Idrici
AENF - Architecture Enabled Network Function
AES - Advanced Encryption Standard
A&AI - Active and Available Inventory
AF - Application Function
AG - Access Gateway
AGCF - Access Gateway Control Function
AGCOM - Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni
AGF - Access Gateway Function
AGF-CP - AGF-Control Plane
AGF-UP - AGF-User Plane
AGI - Artificial General Intelligence
AgID - Agenzia per l‘Italia Digitale
AGN - AGregation Node
AGPS - Assisted Global Positioning System
AGV - Automated Guided Vehicle
AI - Artificial Intelligence
AIxIA - Associazione Italiana di Intelligenza Artificiale
AIF - AI Function
AI/ML - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
AKA - Authentication and Key Agreement
ALM - Application Lifecycle Management
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMC - Adaptive Modulation and Coding
AMF - Access and mobility Management Function
AMR - Adaptive Multi Rate
AN - Access Node
ANCI - Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani
ANDSF - Access Network Discovery and Selection Function
ANR - Automatic Neighbouring Relations
ANR+PCI - Automatic Neighbours Relations + PCI
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
ANSSI - Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Système d’Information (National Cybersecurity Agency of France)
AOM - Alliance for Open Media
AON - Active Optical Network
AP - Access Point
API - Application Programming Interface
APM - Active Passive Measure
APN - Access Point Name
APR - Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto
AR - Augmented Reality
ARIB - Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
ARL - Armadi Riparti Linee
ARKit - Augmented Reality Kit, set di librerie Apple per iOS che permettono di fruire di esperienze di Realtà Aumentata sui propri dispositivi mobili
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
ARPA - Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale
ARPIE - Average Radiated Power In the Environment
ARPU - Average Revenue Per User
ARQ - Automatic Repeat-reQuest
AR/VR - Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
AS - Access Stratum
AS - Apllication Server
AS - Autonomous System
ASI - Agenzia Spaziale Italian
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASP - Application Service Provider
ATCF - Access Transfer Control Function
A.T.I. - Associazione Temporanea di Imprese
ATIS - Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AT&T - American Telephone & Telegraph
ATSSS - Access Traffic Steering Switching Splitting
ATUR - Adsl Terminal Unit Remote
AU - Access Unit
AuC - AUthentication Center
AUSF - Authentication Server Function
AV1 - AOMedia Video 1
AVBR - Available Bit Rate
AVS - Accenture Video Solution
AVS3 - 3rd Audio Video Standard
AWG - Array Waveguide Grating
AWS - Amazon Web Services
B2B - Business to Business
B2C - Business to Consumer
B5G - Beyond 5G
Backhaul - Rete di raccordo per interconnettere le reti di accesso con i nodi di servizio
Backhauling - Tratta di collegamento tra gli apparati di antenna (nodeB) e gli apparati in centrale
BB - Base Band
BB - Broadband
BBF - Broadband Forum
BBN - BackBone Nazionale
BBN - Broad Band Node for fixed voice calls transit
BBRAN - Broad Band Remote Access Node
BBU - Base Band Unit
BBUs - Base Band Units
BC - Blockchain
BDP - Big Data Platform
Beam Forming - Consente di concentrare la potenza del segnale utile verso il cliente, diminuendo l'interferenza verso i clienti serviti dalle altre stazioni
BER - Bit Error Ratio
BEREC - Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications
BFD - Beamforming
BFD - Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
BGCF - Breakout Gateway Control Function
BGP-LS - Border Gateway Protocol – Link State
BGP - Border Gateway Protocol
BH - Backhauling
BH - Beside Head
BHH - Beside Head & Hand
BLE - Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy
BLER - Block Error Rate
BMaaS - Bare Metal as a Service
BMP - Banda Minima Garantita
BMS - Building Management System & Remote Monitoring
BNAS - Broadband Network Access Server
BNG - Broadband Network Gateway
BoD - Bandwidth on Demand
BoL - Begin of Life
Bonding - Aggregazione di più linee xDSL in un unico flusso logico
BOS - Business Operating System
BP - Banda di Picco
BPM - Business Process Management
BRAS - Broadband Remote Acces Server
BRIDGE - Bridging Commercial & Societal Transport Digitisation Strategies
BS - Base Station
BSA - Basic Service Area
BSC - Base Station Controller
BSF - Binding Support Function
BSI - Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (Federal Office of Information Security)
BSS - Base Station Sub-system
BSS - Basic Service Set
BSS - Business Support System
BTS - Base Transceiver Station
BUL - Banda Ultra Larga
BVLOS - Beyond Visual Line of Sight
BYOL - Bring Your Own Licences
CA - Carrier Aggregation
CA - Certification Authority
CaaS - Container as a Service
CAC - Connession Admission Control
CAD - Computer Aided Design
CAD - Connected and Automated Driving
CAE - Content Adaptive Encoding
CAGR - Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAGR - Compounded Average Growth Rate
CAM - Cooperative Awareness Message
CAMEL - Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic
CAP - Capping
CapEx - Capital Expenditure
CAS - Conditional Access System
CAT - Collect Analyze est
CB - Coordinated Beamforming
CBR - Constant Bit Rate
CC - Call Control
CCAM - Connected Cooperative and Automated Mobility
CCD - Cloud Container Distribution
CCE - Codice delle Comunicazioni Elettroniche
CCP - Connect-Compute Platform
CCO - Coverage and Capacity Optimization
CCS - Convergent Charging System
CCSA - China Communications Standards Association
CD - Continuous Development
CDF - Charge Data Function
CDF - Cumulative Density Function
CdM - Consiglio dei Ministri
CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access
CDN - Content Delivery Network
CDN - Content Distribution Network
CDR - Call Data Record
CDU - Central Data Unit
CDV - Variazioni di ritardo
CDVA - Compact Descriptors for Video Analysis
CE - Consumer Electronics
CEA - Consumer Electronics Association
CEI - Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
CEM - Campi Elettromagnetici
CEN - Comité Européen de Normalisation
CENC - Common ENCryption scheme
CENELEC - Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique
CENSIS - Centro Studi Investimenti Sociali
CEPT - European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
CEx - Coexistence Element
CfE - Call for Evidence
CfP - Call for Proposals
CGA - Color Graphics Adapter
CGI - Common Gateway Interface
CGN - Carrier Grade NAT
CH - Corrispondent Host
CI - Cloud Intelligence
CI/CD - Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery
CI/CD - Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
CID - Cell Identifier
CID+TA - Cell Identifier + Timing Advance
CIG - Comitato Italiano Gas
CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario del Nord-Est per il Calcolo Automatico
CIoT - Cellular Internet of Things
CISA - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
CLI - Calling Line Identifier
CLI - Command Line Interface
Cloud - Possibilità di smaterializzare la gestione dei dati e dei processi da una singola località
Cloud4eGov - Infrastruttura Cloud Aperta, Interoperabile e Federata per l’eGovernment delle Città e dei Cittadini
CLR - Eccesiva perdita dati
CM - Configuration Management
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMP - Certification Management Protocol
CMPv2 - Certificate Management Protocol v2
CMS - Cloud Management System
CN - Core Network
CNA - CVE Numbering Authorities
CNA - Cloud Native Application
CNAs - Cloud Native Applications
C-NB CSS - Combined Narrow Band and Chirp Spread Spectrum
CNCF - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
CNE - Cloud Native Environment
CNF - Cloud Native Function
CNFs - Cloud native Network Functions
CNI - Cloud Native Infrastructure
CNIT - Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni
CNN - Convolutional Neural Network
CNO - Centro Nodale Ottico
CNOT quantum gates - Controlled NOT quantum gates
CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
CNSA - Commercial National Security Algorithm Suite
CO - Central Office
CoA - Change of Authorisation
COA - Care Of Address
CoC - Code of Conduct
COLT - Central Office Long Term
COMAC - Converged Multi-Access and Core
CoMP - Coordinated Multi Point
CORD - Central Office Reengineered as Data center
COS - Class Of Service
COTS - Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CP - Content Provider; Cloud Provider
CP - Control Plane
CP - Content Producer
CPE - Customer Premises Equipment
CPM - Common Policy Manager
CPS - Common Power Supply
CPS - Customer Pre-Selection
CPU - Central Processor Unit
CR - Cognitive Radio
C-RAN - Cloud RAN
CRAN - Cloud RAN
CRAS - Connected Robotics & Autonomous Systems
CRE - Cell Range Expansion
CRI - Cloud Robotics Infrastructure
CRL - Certificate Revocation List
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
CRO - Cabinet Ripartilinee Ottico
CRRM - Common Radio Resource Management
CS - Circuit Switched
CS - Coordinated Scheduling
CSA - Cloud Security Alliance
CSA - Collaboration Support Action
CSCF - Call Session Control Function
CSD - Circuit Switched Data
CSDP - Content Service Delivery Platform
CSFB - Circuit Switched Fall-Back
CSI - Channel State Information
C-SON - Centralized SON
CSP - Cloud Service Provider
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
CTF - Charge Trigger Function
CTI - Cyber Threat Intelligence
CU - Central Unit
CU - Coordination Unit
CUDA - Compute Unified Device Architecture
C-UNB - Cooperative Ultra Narrow Band
CUPS - Control User Plane Separation
C-V2X - Cellular-Vehicle to everything
CVC - Corporate Venture Capital (di TIM)
CVD - Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
CVE - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CWDM - Coarse WDM
D2D - Device to Device
DACON - DAta COmmunication Network
DAE - Digital Agenda for Europe
DAM - Digital Assett Management
DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organization
DApp - Decentralized Application
DAS - Distributed Antenna System
DASH - Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
dB - Decibel
DB - Data Base
dBm - Decibel rispetto al mW
DBA - Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment
DBP - Digital Business Platform
DC - Direct Current
DC - Dual Carrier
DC - Data Center
DC/AC inverter - Direct Current
DCAE - Data Collection Analytics and Events
DCC - Data Center Core
DCE-R - Data Center Edge – Regional
DCF - Discount Cash Flow
DCME - Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment, a voice compression device
DD - Digital Divide
DDOS - Distributed Denial of Services
DDos - Denial of Service
DDS - Data Distribution Service
DEA - Diameter Edge Agent
DECOR - DEdicated CORe Netorks
DEI - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
DENM - Decentralized Environmental Notification Message
DESI - Digital Economy and Society Index
DevOps - Development and Operations
DFB - Distributed Feedback
DFE - Design For Environment
DG - Directorate General
DH - Diffie-Hellman
DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIKW - Data Information Knowledge Wisdom
DIX - Ethernet II
Dl - Decreto legge
DL - Downlink
DL - Deep Learning
DL-UL - Downlink-Uplink
DM - Dual Mode
DMR - Digital Mobile Radio
DMT - Discrete Multi Tone
DNN - Data Network Name
DNN - Deep Neural Networks
DNNs - Deep Neural Networks
DNS - Domain Name System
DOCG - Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita
DOCSIS - Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
DoS - Denial of Service
DP - Double Polarization
DP - Data Plane
DPBO - Downstream Power Back Off
DPCM - Differential PCM
DPI - Deep Packet Inspection
DP-QPSK - Dual Polarization-Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
DPS - Dynamic Point Selection
DPU - Distribution Point Unit
DR - Directed Retry
DRF - Deep Reference Frame
DRM - Digital Right Management
DRX - Discontinuous Reception
DS - Distribution Service
DS - Downstream
DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm
DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
DSLAM - Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer. Apparecchiatura x fornire ADSL sia in tecnologia ATM che IP
DSM - Dynamic Spectrum Management
D-SON - Distributed SON
DSP - Digital Signal Processors
DSP - Digital Signal Processor/Processing
DSS - Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
DSSS - Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
DT - Digital Twins
DT - Deutsche Telekom
DTDL - Digital Twin Definition Language
DTEL - Disclosure TEL
DTMF - Dual Tone Multi Frequency
DTT - Digital Terrestrial Television
DTX - Discontinuos Transmission
DU - Distributed Unit
DUT - Device Under Test
DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting
DVBT - Digital Video Broadcasting Television
DVC - Deep Video Compression
D-Wave - Società di calcolo quantistico
DWDM - Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)
DTWS - Digital Transformation Word Series
DX - Digital Experience
E1 - European 1
E164 - E164 Numbering Plan
E2E - End to End
EAM - Electro-Absorption Modulator
EASDF - Edge Application Server Discovery Function
EATA - European Automotive and Telecoms Alliance
EB - Exabyte
EBU - European Broadcasting Union
EC - Edge Computing
ECDH - Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman
ECID - Enhanced Cell Identifier
Ec/No - Pilot Chip Energy to Interference Power Spectral Density
EC-GSM - Extended Coverage GSM
EC-GSM-IoT - Extended Coverage GSM IoT
ECOMP - Enhanced Control, Orchestration, Management & Policy
E-CORD - Enterprise-CORD
Ecpri - Enhanced CPRI
EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis
EDFA - Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
EDGE - Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution
EdgeML - Machine Learning at the Edge
EDL - Enterprise Data Lake
EDR - Endpoint Detection & Response
eDRX - Extended Discontinuous Reception
EE - Energy Efficiency
EEE - Energy Efficiency Enabler
EE ETSI - Environmental Engineering Technical Committee
EEPS - ETSI EE- Product Specifications
EGA - Enhanced Graphics Adapte
EGMF - Exposure Governance Management Function
EGP - Exterior Gateway Protocols
EI - Edge intelligence
eICIC - Evolved Inter Cell Interference Coordination
EIP-SCC - European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities
eLTE - 3GPP Option 5 architecture
EM - Element Manager
eMBB - Enhanced Mobile Broadband
eMBMS - Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service
EMM - Eps Mobility Management
EMN-Q - European Metrology Network on Quantum Technologies
EMS - Element Management System
eMTC - Enhanced Machine-Type Communication
ENB - Enhanced Node B
eNB - Evolved Node B
ENI - Experiential Networked Intelligence
eNodeB eNB - Enhanced NodeB
EoL - End of Life
EOSC - European Open Science Cloud
EPC - Enhanced Packet Core
EPC - Evolved Packet Core
EPC-5GC - Evolved Packet Core - 5G Core
EPDG - Evolved Packed Data Gateway
EPG - Electronic Program Guide
EPO - European Patent Office
EPON - Ethernet PON
EPR pair - Einsten Podolsky Rosen
EPS - Evolved Packet System
EPS-AKA - Evolved Packet System-AKA
EPSC - European Open Science Cloud
ERP - Enterprise resource planning
ERIS - Enhanced Reinforcement learning for Innovating Self organizing networks
ERTICO - European Road Transport Telematics Implementation Coordination Organization
ES - Energy Saving
ESA - Extended Service Area
ESA - European Space Agency
ESC - Controllo Elettronico di Stabilità
ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance
ESG - Environmental Sustainability Goals
eSIM - Embedded SIM
ESM - Eps Session Management
ESP - Encapsulating Security Payload
ESS - Extended Service Area
ETL - Extract, Transform, Load
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association
ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI MSG - ETSI Mobile Standards Group
ETTH - Ethernet To The Home
EU - European Union
EUL - Enhanced UpLink
EUTRA - Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
EUTRAN - Evolved Universal Mobile Telecommunication System Terrestrial Radio Access Network
EVC - Essential Video Coding
EVDSL - Enhanced Very High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line
EVE - Edge Virtualization Engine
F5G - Fifth Generation Fixed Network
FAB - Fulfillment, Assurance and Billing
FAN - Future Access Network
FANS - Fixed Access Network Sharing
FAQ -. Frequently Asked Questions
FBB - Fixed BroadBand
FBX - FilmBoX Autodesk file format
FCAPS - Fault Configuration Accounting Performance Security
FD - Full Duplex
FDA - Food and Drugs Association
FDD - Frequency Division Duplexing
FD-FDD - Full Duplex-Frequency Division Duplex
FDM - Frequency Division Multiplexing
FDMA - Frequency Division Multiple Access
FDMIMO - Full Dimensional MIMO
FE - Font End
FEC - Forward Error Correction
FED-XAI - Federated Explainable Artificial Intelligence
feICIC - Further enhanced ICIC
Femtocella - Cella indoor con potenza e dimensioni estremamente ridotte
FEV - Voice/Signaling Front-End
FEXT - Far End Cross Talk
FFT - Fast Fourier Transform
FH - Front Hauling
FIFO - First In First Out
FIR - Finite Impulse Response
FLOPS - Floating Point Operations Per Second
FMIF - Fixed Mobile Interworking Function
FMSS - Flexible Mobile Service Steering
FN RG - Fixed Network Residential Gateway
FOADM - Fixed Optical Add Drop Multiplexer
FP - Foreign Proxy
FP7 - Framework Programme 7
FPC - Forwarding Policy Control (IETF)
FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array
FPGA - Fixed Programmable Gate Array
FPU - Floating Point Unit
FR - Full Rate
FR1 - Frequency Range 1
FRAND - Fair, Reasonable, And Non-Discriminatory
FSAN - Full Service Access Network
FSE - Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico
FSO - Free Space Optics
FTP - File Transfert Protocol
FT - Fungible Token
FTTB - Fiber To The Building
FTTC - Fiber To The Cabinet (o Curb)
FTTCab - Fiber To The Cabinet
FTTD - Fiber To The Door
FTTdP - Fiber To The distribution Point
FTTE - Fiber To The Exchange
FTTH - Fiber To The Home
FTTN - Fiber To The Node
FTTP - Fiber To The Premises
FTTR - Fiber to the Room
FTTS - Fiber To The Street
FTTX - Fiber to the X (Cabinet, Building, Home)
FWA - Fixed Wireless Access
GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
GAN - Generative Adversarial Network
GANs - Generative Adversarial Networks
GBE - Giga Bit Ethernet
GBR - Guaranteed Bit Rate
GCF - Global Certification Forum
GCP - Google Cloud Platform
GCSE LTE - Group Communication
GDK - Glass Development Kit
GDO - Grande Distribuzione Organizzata
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation
GE - Gigabit Ethernet
GEM - GPON Encapsultion Method
Gen AI - Generative Artificial Intelligence
GEO - Geostationary-Earth Orbit
GEPON - Gigabit Ethernet PON
GERAN - GSM EDGE Radio Access Network
GeSI - Global e-Sustainability Initiative
Gfast - Fast Access to Subscriber Terminals
GFLOPS - G (25.45 miliardi di operazioni in virgola mobile al secondo) FLOPS
GFN - Green Future Networks
GGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node
GHG - GreenHouse Gas Emissions
GHZ - Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger
GIS - Geographical Information System
GLB - GLTF binary format
GLTF - Graphics Language Transmission Format
GM - Geometric Monitoring
GMLC - Gateway Mobile Location Center
GMPLS - Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching
GMPLS UNI - Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching User to Network Interface
GMRE - GMPLS Routing Engine
gNB - g-Node B (stazione radio base NR)
GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite Systems
GO - Garanzia di Origine
GoP - Group of Pictures
GPGPU - General Purpose GPU
GPON - Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network
GPRS - General Packet Radio Service
GPS - Global Positioning System
GPT - General Purpose Technologies
GPU - Graphic Processing Unit
GRIN - Genetic & personalized medicine, Robots, Internet, Nano material technologies
GSA - Global mobile Suppliers Association
GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications
GSMA - Global System for Mobile Association
GTP - GPRS Tunneling Protocol
GTPC - GPRS Tunneling Protocol Control plane
GTPU - GPRS Tunneling Protocol User plane
GTW-M - Gateway Metropolitano
GUARDIAN - Graphical User Application for the RaDiation Intensity
GUI - Graphical User Interface
GWh - GigaWatt-ora
HCI - Human Computer Interface
HCP - Hyperscale Cloud Provider
HCM - Hybrid Cloud Manager
HD - High Definition
HDC - Heavy Data Center
HD-FDD - Half Duplex-Frequency Division Duplex
HDR - Header
HDR - High Dynamic Range
HDTV - High Definition TV
HDVC AS - High Definition Video Communication Application Suite
Het Net - Heterogeneous Network
HEVC - High Efficiency Video Coding
HGI - Home Gateway Initiative
HLR - Home Location Register
HLS - HTTP Live Streaming
HMI - Human-Machine Interface
HO - Hand Over
HOM - High Order Modulation
HOO - Hand Over Optimization
HP - Home Proxy
HPC - High Performance Computing
HQ - Head Quarter
HR - Half Rate
HSDPA - High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSPA - High Speed Packet Access
HSPA+ - High Speed Uplink Packed Access evolved
HS-PON - Higher Speed PON
HSS - Home Subscriber Server
HSS - Home Subscriber Services (Authentication)
HSSB - High Speed BroadBand
HSUPA - High Speed Uplink Packet Access
HTML - HyperText Markup Language
HTTP - HyperText Transport Protocol
HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
HTTP/TCP - HyperText Transfer Protocol/Transmission Control Protocol
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning
HW - Hardware
IA - Intelligenza Artificiale
IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service
IaC - Infrastructure as code
IAMTS - International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization
IARPA - Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency
IBCF - Interconnection Border Control Function
ICE - In Case of Emergency
ICIC - Inter Cell Interference Coordinator
ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol
ICON - IoT Connectivity Platform
ICS - IMS Centralized Services
ICSCF - Interrogating CSCF
ICT - Information and Communication Technologies
ID - Identificativo
IDC - International Data Corporation
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF - Internet Engineering Task Force
IF - Intermediate Frequency
IFA - Infrastructure and Architecture
IGP - Interior Gateway Protocols
IIoT - Industrial Internet of Things
IKAA - In Kind Additional Activities
IKE - Integrity Key Exchange
IKOP - In Kind Operations
IM - Intermodulazione
IMA - Inverse Multiplexing over ATM
IM-DD - Intensity Modulation Direct Detection
IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMS - IP Multimedia Subsystem
IMS/MMTEL - IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem MMTel - Multi Media TELephony service
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
IMSSF - IP Multimedia Service Switching Function
IMT-2000 - International Mobile Telecommunications-2000
IMT-2020 - International Mobile Telecommunications for 2020 and beyond
IMT-Advanced - International Mobile Telecommunication-Advanced
IN - Industrial Network
INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
InP - Infrastructure Provider
INRiM - Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
IOC - Indicatore di compromissione
IoC - Indicator of Compromise
IoE - Internet of Everything
IoMT - Internet of Medical Things
IOPS - Isolated EUTRAN Operation for Public Safety
IoT - Internet of Things
IOT - Interoperability Testing
IP - Internet Protocol
IP5 - Five Intellectual Property Offices
IPCC - International Panel on Climate Change
IPCEI - Important Projects of Common European Interest
IP EDGE - Primo punto della rete in cui viene effettuato il trattamento del protocollo IP
IPFS - InterPlanetary File System
IPGBE - IP/GigaBit-Ethernet
IP/MPLS - Multi Protocol Label Switching
IPoWDM - Internet Protocol over Wavelength Division Multiplexing
IPSec - IP Security
IRP - Integration Reference Point
IRT - Intelligent Ray Tracing
IRU - Indefeasible Right of Use
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
ISDN BRA - Integrated Service Digital Network Basic Rate Access
ISG - Industry Specification Groups
ISG ENI - ISG Experiential Network Intelligence
ISG ZSM - ISG Zerotouch network and Service Management
ISM - Industrial Scientific Medical
IP-SM-GW - IP Short Message Gateway
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
ISP - Internet Service Provider
ISTAT - Istituto nazionale di STATistica
IT - Information Technology
ITS - Intelligent Transport Systems
ITU - International Telecommunication Union
ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union - Radio Communication Sector
ITU-T - International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector
IVR - Interactive Voice Response
IWT - Internet With Things
J2C - Journey to Cloud
JPO - Japan Patent Office
JRC - The Joint Research Centre (group)
JSON - Java Script Object Notation
JU - Joint Undertaking
JVET - Joint Video Experts Team
K8s - Kubernetes
KEM - Key Encapsulation Mechanism
KG - Key Generation
KIPO - Korean Intellectual Property Office
KPI - Key Performance Indicator
KPN - Koninklijke PTT Nederland
KPO - Key Performance Objectives
KVI - Key Value Indicators
LA - Local Aggregator
LAG - Link Aggregation Group
LAN - Local Area Network
LANE - LAN Emulation
LB - Load Balancing
LBO - Local Break Out
LBS - Location Based Services
LBT - Listen Before Talk
LCA - Life Cycle Assessment
LCEVC - Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding
LCM - Life Cycle Management
LCOS - Liquid Crystal On Silicon
LCT - Life Cycle Thinking
LDAP - Light weight Directory Access Protocol
LDC - Loan Data Center
LDP - Label Distribution Protocol
LDPC - Low Density Parity Check
LDU - Local Data Unit
LEA - Law Enforcement Agencies
LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy
LEO - Low-Earth Orbit
LFN - Linux Foundation Networking
LI - Lawful Interception
LKA - Lane Keeping Assist
LLM - Large Language Models
LLQ - Low Latency Queuing
LMR - Land Mobile Radio
LNS - L2TP Network Server
LOCC - Local Operations and Classical Communication
LPP - LTE Positioning Protocol
LPs - Limited Partners
LPWAN - Low Power Wide Area Networks
LSP - Label Swithed Path
LTCO - Long Term Central Office
LTE - Long Term Evolution
LTE-Advanced - Long Term Evolution Advanced
LTEA - LTE Advanced
LTE/EPC - Long Term Evolution/Evolved Packet Core
LTE-LAA - LTE-Licensed Assisted Access
LTE-U - LTE-Unlicensed
LWE - Learning With Errors
LWP - Low Water Peak
LXC - Linux container
M2M - Machine to Machine
MA - Macro Area di raccolta
M-ABR - Multicast Adaptive Bitrate
MAC - Media Access Control
MAC - Medium Access Control
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
MANO - MANagement and Orchestration
MARCONI - Mobility Appraisal by multi-Regional Communication Network Implementation
MARIN - Metro Access Rings Integrated Network
MASA - Mesh of applications, API and Services
MB - Multi Band
MBB - Mobile Broadband
Mbps - Megabit per secondo
MBSFN - Multimedia Broadcast Single Frequency Network
MCCH - Multicast Control CHannel
M-CORD - Mobile-CORD
MCS - Modulation and Coding Scheme
MCTS - MonteCarlo Tree Search
MDA - Monochrome Display Adapter
MDT - Minimization of Drive Test
MEC - Mobile Edge Computing
MEC - Multi-access Edge Computing
MEH - Massive Events Handling
MEMS - Micro-Electro-Mechanical Structures
MeNB - Master eNodeB
MEO - Medium-Earth Orbit
MGCF - Media Gateway Control Function
MGW - Media Gateway Function
MH - Mobile Host; Middle Hauling
MHA - Mast Head Amplifier
MHN - Mobile Home Network
MIE - Mobilità Intelligente Ecosostenibile
MIF-NET - Multi-Frame In-Loop Filter
MIMD - Multiple Instructions, Multiple Data
MIMO - Multiple Input Multiple Output
MIND - Milano Innovation District
MIoT - Massive Internet of Things
MIP - Mobile IP
MIPS - Mega Instruction Per Second
MISO - Multiple Input Single Output
MISP - Malware Information Sharing Platform
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIUR - Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca
MIX - Milan Internet eXchange
ML - Machine Learning
MLB - Mobile Load Balancing
MLOps - Machine Learning Operations
MM - clientela residenziale Mass Market
MM - Multi Mode
MM - Mobility Management
MMCS - Multi Media Communication Suite
MME - Mobility Management Entity
MME - Mobility Management Engine (Control)
MMS - Multimedia Messaging Service
mMTC - Massive Machine Type Communication
MMTEL - Multimedia Telephony
MMTELAS - Application Server MultiMedia Telephony
mmW - millimeter Wave
MNO - Mobile Network Operator
MnS - Management Service
MOBINET - Europe-Wide Platform for Connected Mobility Services
MoCap - abbreviazione di Motion Capture, è il processo di registrazione del movimento del corpo umano
MOF - Microwave Over Fibre
MoU - Memorandum of Understanding
MP - Management Plane
MPAI - Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence
MPAI-EEV - AI-based End-to-End Video Coding
MPAI-EVC - AI-Enhanced Video Coding
MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group
MPLS - MultiProtocol Label Switching
MPLS TP - MPLS Transport Profile
MPM - Multi PON Module
MPN - Mobile Private Network
MPOA - Multi Protocol Over ATM
Mpx - Megapixel
MPX - Multiplex
MR - Mixed Reality, AR mediante appositi visori che ne permettono la fruizione con le mani libere
MRF - Multimedia Resource Function
MRO - Mobility Robustness Optimization
MS - Mobile Station
MSA - Multi-Source Agreement
MSAN - MultiService Access Node
MSC - Mobile Switching Centre
MSC-S - Mobile Switching Center-Server
MSF - Multi-Service Fabric
MSG-TFES - Mobile Standards Group-Task Force for the production of Harmonised Standards under the RED for the IMT family
MSISDN - Mobile Station International Subscriber Digital Number
MSR BS - Multi Standard Radio Base Station
MSRP - Message Session Relay Protocol
MS_SDI - Multi-dimensional Service space for telecommunication Software Defined Infrastructures
MS-SSIM - Multi-Scale Structural Similarity Index
MTAS - Mobile Telephony Application Server
MTC - Machine Type Communication
MTC-IWF - Machine Type Communication - InterWorking Function
MTRF - Mobile Terminating Roaming Forward
MTTO - Mean time To Obsolescence
MTTR - Mean Time To Repair
MUBB - Mobile Ultra Broadband
MUMIMO - Multi User Multiple Input Multiple Output
MVN - Mobile Visited Network
MVNO - Mobile Virtual Network Operators
mVoIP - Mobile Voice over IP
MVP - Minimum Viable Product
MW - MicroWave
MWC - Mobile World Congress
N2C - Network to Cloud
NAAS - Network As A Service
NAM - Multifunctional Access Nodes
NAMA - Neighbor-Aware Multiple Access
NAMS - Network Aware M2M Sleep
NAS - Non Access Stratum
NAS - Network Access Server
NAT - Network Address Translation
NB-IoT - NarrowBand Internet of Things
NB-M2M - Narrow Band M2M
NB-OFDMA - Narrow Band-Orthog- Narrow Band-Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access
NDA - Next Best Action
NDE - Next Best Experience
NDVI - Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NE - Network Element
NEF - Network Exposure Function
NEM - Network Element Manager
NEs - Network Elements
NETCONF - NETwork CONFiguration protocol
NF - Network Functions
NFC - Near Field Communication
NFs - Network Functions
NFT - Non-Fungible Token
NFV - Network Functions Virtualization
NFVI - Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure
NFVO - NFV Orchestrator
NFVOPS - NFV (Network Function Virtualization) Operational Tools
NGA - Next Generation Access
NGAN - Next Generation Access Network
NGAN - Mach-Zender Interferometer Next Generation Access Nerwork
NGAP - NG Application Protocol
NGA-VHCN - Next Generation Access–Very High Capacity Networks
NGCN - Next Generation Core Network
NGDC - Next Generation Data Center
NGMN - Next Generation Mobile Networks (group)
NGN - Next Generation Network
NGOSS - Next-Generation Operations Support Systems
NG-PON - Next Generation-PON
NG-PON2 - Next Generation-PON 2
NGPON2 - Next-Generation PON (Passive Optical Network) 2
NG PoP - Next Generation Point of Presence
NG-RAN - Next Generation Radio Access Network
N-GSM - Narrow Band GSM
NHRP - Next Hop Resoltution Protocol
NIC - Network Interface Card
NICT - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
NIO - Network Intelligent Operations
NISQ - Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum
NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
NLM - Network Light Management
NLP - Natural Language Processing
NM - Network Manager
NMS - Network Management System
NNVC - Neural Network-based Video Coding
NOC - Network Operation Center
npm - Node Package Manager
NPN - Non-Public Network
NPS - Net Promoter Score
NPU - Network Processing Unit
N-PVR - Network Programmable Video recorder
NR - New Radio
NRA - Autorit… Nazionali di Regolamentazione
NRF - Network Repository Function
NRI - Network Reselection Improvements
NR SA - New Radio Stand Alone
NRZ - Non Return to Zero
NS - Network Services
NSA - Non-StandAlone
NSA - National Security Agency
NSA 5G - Non-StandAlone 5G
NSAP - Network and Service Automation Platform
NSSF - Network Slicing Selection Function
NTN - Non-Terrestrial Networks
NUE GW - Gateway per servizio NUE (numero unico emergenza)
NUMA - Non-Uniform Memory Access
NVD - National Vulnerability Database
NVDP - National Video Distribution Platform
NVT - Network Virtual Terminal
NWDAF - Network Data Analytics Function
O&M - Operation & Maintenance
OADM - Optical Add Drop multiplexer
OAM - Operation Administration and Maintenance
OAO - Other Authorised Operator
OB-BAA - Open Broadband-Broadband Access Abstraction
OBS - Optical Burst Switching
OCI - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
OCP - Open Computer Project
OCS - Optical Channel Switching
OCS - Online charging system
OCSP - Online Certification Status Protocol
O-CU - O-RAN Central Unit
O-CU-CP - O-RAN Central Unit Control Plane
O-CU-UP - O-RAN Central Unit User Plane
ODA - Open Digital Architecture
ODF - Open Digital Franework
ODF - Optical Distribution Frame
ODN - Optical Distribution Network
ODU - Optical Data Unit
O-DU - O-RAN Distributed Unit
OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
OEO - Ottico Elettro Ottica (conversione effettuata dal transponder)
OEO - Optical Electrical Optical
OFCS - Offiline Charging Service
OFDM - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OFDMA - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
OFS - Optical Flow Switching
OLA - Optical Line Amplifier
OLI - Open Lamda Initiative
OLO - Other Licensed Operators
OLS - Optical Label Switching
OLS - Open Line System
OLT - Optical Line Termination
OMA - Open Mobile Alliance
OMA3 - Open Metaverse Alliance for Web3
OMEC - Open Evolved Mobile Core
OMEC - Open Mobile Edge Cloud
OMTP - Open Mobile Terminal Platform
ONAP - Open Network Automation Platform
ONF - Open Networking Forum
ONF - Open Network Foundation
ONT - Optica Network Termination
ONU - Optical Network Unit (Cabinet)
OPB - Optical Packet Backbone
OPC - Optical Packet Core
OpenCL - Open Computing Language
OpEx - Operational Expenditure
OPM - Optical Packet Metro
OPNFV - Open Platform for NFV
OPR - Optical Packet Regional
OPS - Optical Packet Switching
OPUs - Optical Processing Units
O-RAN - Open Radio Access Network
O-RU - O-RAN Radio Unit
OS - Operating System
OSA - Open Service Architecture
OSASCS - Open Service Architecture Service capability Server
OSI - Open Systems Interconnection
OSINT - Open Source Intelligence
OSPF - Open Shortest Path First
OSS - Operation Support System
OT - Operational Technology
OTA - Over The Air
OTIC - Open Testing and Integration Centre
OTN - Optical Transport Network
OTP - One-Time-Pad
OTT - Over The Top
OUI - Organizationally Unique Identifier
OUT - Optical Transport Unit
P2MP - Point To MultiPoint
P2P - Peer To Peer
P25 - Project 25
P4P - Proactive network Provider Participation for P2P
PA - Pubblica Amministrazione
PaaS - Platform as a Service
PANAMA - Predictive Algorithms for Network Alarms MAnagement
PAPR - Peak to Average Power Ratio
PAS - Publicly Available Specification
PBX - Private Branch eXchange
PC - Protocol Control
PCC - Path Computation Client
PCC - Policy Control and Charging
PCC - Policy and Charging Control
PCE - Path Computation Element
PCEF - Policy and Charging Enforcement Function
PCEP - Path Computation Element Protocol
PCF - Policy Control Function
PCF - Point Coordination Function
PCI - Physical Cell Identifier
PCI - Protocol Control Information
PCRF - Policy and Charging Rules Function
PCR - Peak Cell Rate
PCRF - Policy and Charging Rules Function
PCS - Probabilistic Constellation Shaping
P-CSCF - Proxy Call Session Control Function
PCSP - Public Cloud Service Provider
PDC - Personal Digital Cellular
PDCP - Packet Data Convergence Protocol
PDH - Plesiocronous Digital Hierarchy
PDN - Packet Data Network
PDN Context - Packet Data Network Contest
PDN GW - Packet Data Network Gateway
PDP Context - Packet Data Processing Context
PDSCH - Physical Downlink Shared Channel
PDU - Packet Data Unit
PE - Provider Edge (router IP)
PE - Primary Elements
PEC - Posta Elettronica Certificata
PECF - Policy and Charging Enforcement Function
PEV - Plans EVolution
PGW - Packet Data Network Gateway
PGW-C - Packet Gateway Control
PGW-U - Packet Gateway User
PIC - Photonic Integrated Circuit
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
PLC - Power Line Communication
PLC - Programmable Logic Controllers
PLMN - Public Land Mobile Network
PM - Performance Management
PMI - Punto di Mutualizzazione di Immobile
pmi - Precoding Matrix Indicator
PMI - piccole, medie imprese
PMIP - Proxy Mobile IP
PMN - Public Mobile Network
PMR - Private Mobile Radio
PNDV - Piattaforma Nazionale Distribuzione Video
PNF - Phisical Network Functions
PNI - Private Network Interconnect
PNI-NPN - Public Network Integrated Non-Public Network
PNPM - Packet Network Performance Monitoring
PNRR - Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza
PoC - Proof of Concept
PON - Passive Optical Networks
POP - Point Of Presence
PPA - Power Purchasing Agreement
PPP - Public Partnership Project
PPP - Point to Point Protocol
PPPoE - PPP over Ethernet
PPV - Pay per View
PQC - Post Quantum Cryptography
PR - Preliminary
PRB - Physical Resource Block
PRESA - Predictive QoS and V2X Service Adaptation
ProSe - Proximity Services
PS - Packet Switched
PS - Public Safety
PS - Pubblica Sicurezza
PSCE - Public Safety Communication Europe
PSCE - Public Safety Conference Europe
PSD - Densità spettrale di potenza
PSD - Power Spectral Density
PS HO - Packet Service Hand Over
PSK - Phase Shift Keying
PSM - Power Saving Mode
PSN - Polo Strategico Nazionale
PSNR - Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio
PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network
PTC - Punto di Terminazione in Centrale
PTCRB - PCS Type Certification Review Board
PTE - Punto di Terminazione di Edificio
PTN - Packet Transport Network
PTO - Punto di Terminazione Olo
PTT - PushToTalk
PTZ - Pan-Tilt-Zoom
PVC - Permanent Virtual Connection
PW - PseudoWire
QAM - Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QAOA - Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
QC - Quantum Computing
QC - Quantum Computer
QCI - Qos Class Identifier
QCIT-ETC - Emerging Technical Committee on Quantum Communications and Information Technology
QComm Hub - Quantum Communications Hub
QGA - Quantum Gate Array
QGM - Quantum Geometric Monitoring
QICT - Quantum Information and Communication Technologies
QKD - Quantum Key Distribution
QoE - Quality of Experience
QoS - Quality of Service
QPSK - Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
QPU - Quantum Processing Unit
QRNG - Quantum Random Number Generators
Qubit - Quantum bit
QUBO - Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization
R&D - Research and Development
RA - Routing Area
RA - Regional Aggregation
RA-crypto - Registration Authority
RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RAM - Random Access Memor
RAN - Radio Access Network
RAN (std) - Radio Access Network (std)
RAN1 - RAN Working Group 1
RAN2 - RAN Working Group 2
RAN4 - RAN Working Group 4
RAN5 - RAN Working Group 5
RAT - Radio Access Technology
RATI - Radio Access Technology Indicator
RBAC - Role Based Access Control
RC - Coefficienti di riflessione
RC - Regional Core
RCAF - Radio Access Network Congestion Function
R-CORD - Residential CORD
RCS - Rich Communication Suite
RCS - Rich Communication Services
RCTP - Real Time Transport Protocol
RD - Reference Design
RE - Resource element
REST - REpresentational State Transfer
RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and network, to make Italy more smart
RET - Remote Electrical Tilt
RF - Radio Frequency
RFC - Request For Comments
RFID - Radio Frequency IDentification
RFON - Reconfigurable Flexible Optica Network
RG - Residential Gateway
RG-LWAC - RG-Level Wireline Access Characteristics
RIC - Radio Intelligent Controller
RIC - RAN Intelligent Controller
RICH - Rich Communication Services
RIS - Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
RL - Reinforcement Learning
RLC - Radio Link Control
RLF - Radio Link Failure
RN - Relay Node
RN - Remote Node
RNC - Radio Network Controller
ROADM - Reconfigurable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer
ROE - Ripartitore Ottico di Edificio
ROF - Radio Over Fiber
ROI - Return On Investment
ROM - Receiver-Only-Mode
ROPO - Research On Line, Purchase Off Line
ROS - Robot Operating System
RP - RAT/Frequency Selection Priority
RPA - Robotic Process Automation
RPF - Reverse Power Feeding
RRC - Radio Resource Control
RRM - Radio Resource Management
RRP - Radio Resource Pool
RRU - Radio Remote Unit
RRUs - Remote Radio Unit
RS - Reference Signal
RSA - Algoritmo di crittografia asimmentrica
RSCP - Received Signal Code Power
RSOA - Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
RSRP - 4G LTE Reference Signal Received Power
RSRP - Received Signal Received Power
RSRQ - Received Signal Received Quality
RSRQ - Reference Signal Radio Quality
RSU - Road Side Unit
RSVP - ReSerVation Protocol
RSVP-TE - ReSerVation Protocol-Traffic Engineering
RT - Real Time
RTA - Road Traffic Authority
RTC - Real Time Charging
RTCP - Real Time Transport Control Protocol
RTD - Responsabili per la Transizione Digitale
RTG - Rete Telefonica Generale
RTMS - Radio Telefono Mobile di Seconda generazione
RTN - Rete di Trasporto Nazionale
RTNSM - Real Time Network and Service Management
RTP - Real Time Protocol
RTSP - Real Time Streaming Protocol
RTT - Round Trip Time
RU - Remote Unit
RU - Radio Unit
Rx/Tx - Ricezione/trasmissione
RXTX_TIMEDIFF - Rx/Tx UE Time Difference
SA - StandAlone
SA - Intelligent Speed Assistance
SA5 - Systems and Service Aspects WG 5
SaaS - Software-as-a-Service
SAAS - Software As A Service
SAE - System Architecture Evolution
SAE GW - System Architecture Evolution Gateway
SAFe - Simple Agreement for Future Equity
SAGA - Swarm robotics for AGricultural Applications
SAN - Storage Area Network
SAP - Service Access Point
SAQ - Self Assessment Questionnaire
SAR - Specific Absorption Rate
SARDANA - Scalable Advanced Ring Dense Access Network Architecture
SASE - Secure Access Service Edge
SBA - Service Based Architecture
SBC - Session Border Controller
SBI - Service Based Interfaces
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCC - Smart Cities and Communities
SCC AS - Service Centralization and Continuity Application Server
SCEF - Service Capability Exposure Function
SCEP - Simple Certificate Enrolment Protocol
SCFDMA - Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access
SCSCF - Serving CSCF
SCP - Service Control Point
SCPTM - Single Cell Point To Multipoint
SCR - Sustainable Cell Rate
SCS - Services Capability Server
SCTP - Signalling Control Transport Protocol
SDAN - Software-Defined Access Networks
SDAP - Service Data Adaptation Protocol
SDDC - Software-defined data center
SDF - Service Data Flow
SDG - Sustainable Development Goals
SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals
SDH - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDK - Software Development Kit
SDK - Software Development Toolkit
SDMA - Space Division Multiple Access
SDN - Software Defined Network
SDO - Software Defined Operator
SDO - Standard Developing Organizations
SDP - Session Description Protocol
SDP - Digital Service Delivery Platform
SDP - piattaforme software defined
SDP - Software Defined Platforms
SDR - Software Defined Radio
SD-WAN - Software Defined Wide Area Network
Sec GW - Security Gateway
SeNB - Secondary eNodeB
SEP - Sensor Enabled Platform
SEP - Standard Essential Patent
SFC - Space Frequency Coding
SFN - Single Frequency Network
SG - Study Group
SGSN - Serving GPRS Support Node
SGT - Stadio di Gruppo di Transito
SGU - Stadio di Gruppo Urbano
SGW - Serving GateWay
SGW-C - Services Gateway Control
SGW-U - Services Gateway User
SIEM - Security information and event management
SIM - Subscriber Identity Module
SIMD - Single instruction, multiple data
SIMO - Single Input to Multiple Output
SINR - Signal over Interference plus Noise Ratio
S.IN.TE.S.I. - Sistema Integrato Tecnologie per il Servizio Idrico
S[M2]ART SMART - Metro Quadro – Guardando la città metro per metro
SIP - Session Initiation Protocol
SIPAS - SIP Application Server
SISO - Single Input Single Output
SKT - SK Telecom
SL - Stadio di Linea
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SLF - Subscription Locator Function
SLg - Interfaccia SLg
SLh - Interfaccia SLh
SLs - Interfaccia SLs
SLU - Sub Loop Unbundling
SM - Spatial Multiplexing
SME - Small Medium Enterprise
SMF - Session Management Function
SMILE - Smart Mobility Inclusion Life&health Energy
SMLC - Serving Mobile Location Center
SMN - Self-produced content Modeled Network
SMO - Service Management and Orchestration
SMP - Significant Market Power
SMS - Short Message Service
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SN - Service Node
SNAP - SubNetwork Access Protocol
SNCP - SubNetwork Connection Protection
SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol
SNPN - Stand-alone Non-Public Network
SNR - Signal over Noise Ratio
SNS - Smart Network and Services
SNS ICE - SNS International Cooperation Ecosystem
SNS JU - Smart Network and Services Joint Undertaking
SNS JU - 6G Smart Network & Services Joint Undertaking
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
SOA - Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
SoC - System on Chip
SOC - Security operation center
SOHN - Sustainable Open Heritage Network
SOHO - Small Office Home Office
SOI - Silicon On Insulator
SOM - Systems on Module
SON - Self Organizing Networks
SP - Service Provider
SPDC - Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion
SPID - Subscriber Profile Identifier
Splitter - Diramatore ottico passivo
SQL - Structured Query Language
SRA - Seamless Rate Adaption
SRB - Stazione Radio Base
SRE - Site Reliability Engineering
SR-IOV - Single Root Input/Output Virtualization
SRLG - Shared Risk Link Group
SRMC - Servizio Radio Mobile di Comunicazione
SRTP - Secure RTP
SRVCC - Single Radio Voice Call Continuty
SS - Soft Swithc; Support System
SSH - Secure Shell
SSID - Service Set Identifier
SSLA - Service and Security Level Agreement
SSM - Static Spectrum Management
SSO - Single Sign On
STB - Set Top Box
STC - Space Time Coding
STP - Signal Transfer Point
STS - Ship-to-shore
SUCI - Subscription Concealed Identifier
SUPER - A SUstainable Edge for Highly Demanding, HyPER-distributed Servi
SUPI - Subscription Permanent Identifier
SUPL - Secure User Plane Protocol
SVC - Switched Virtual Connection
SVOD - Subscription Video On Demand
SW - Software
TACS - Total Access Communications System
TAM - Telecom Application Map
TAPE - Turin Action Plan for Energy
TAU - Tracking Area Update
TAXII - Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information
TB - Transport Block
TC - Triple Carrier
TC - Coefficienti di trasmissione
TCO - Total Cost of Ownership
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
TDD - Time Division Duplexing
TDD - Time Division Duplex
TDF - Traffic Detection Function
TDM - Time Division Multiplexing
TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access
TE - Traversale elettrico
TEAM - Tomorrow’s Elastic, Adaptive Mobility
TEC - Thermo-Electric Cooler
TED - Traffic Engineering Database
TEN-T - Trans European Networks Transport
TETRA - TErrestrial Trunked RAdio
TIC - Transparent Internet Caching
TIMatom - TIM AuTOmation Measurement
TIP - Telecom Infra Project
TIP - Threat Intelligence Platform
TIR - Terminazione Intelligente di Rete
TLC - Telecomunicazioni
TLS - Transport Layer Security
TM - Trace Management
TM Forum - Telemanagement Forum
TMSI - Temporary Mobile Subscriber
TN - Transport Node
TOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework
ToIP - Telephony over IP
TOPO - Try Off Line, Purchase On Line
TPC/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/IP
TPF - Transformation Project Framework
TPL - Traffico Pubblico Locale
TPU - Tensor Processor Unit
TR - Transport
TS - Traffic Steering
TSDN - Transport SDN
TSDSI - Telecommunications Standards Development Society India
TSG - Technical Specification Group
TTA - Telecommunications Technology Association
TTC - Telecommunication Technology Committee
TTCN - Testing and Test Control Notation
TTI - Transmission Time Interval
TTM - Time to Market
TTP - Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
TVA - Time Variant Antennas
TVOD - Transactional Video On Demand
TWAG - Trusted Wlan Access Gateway
TWDM - Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexed
UA - User Agent
UAC - User Agent Client
UADSL - Universal ADSL
UAS - User Agent Server
UBB - Ultra Broadband
UBR - Unspecified Bit Rate
UDC - User Data Convergence
UDDI - Universal Description Discovery and Integration
UDM - Unified Data Management
UDP - User Data Protocol
UDR - User Data Repository
UDWDM - Ultra Dense WDM
UE - Unione Europea
UE - User Equipment
UE2UE - User Equipment to User Equipment
UI - Unit… Immobiliare
UICC - Universal Integrated Circuit Card
UL - Uplink
ULH - Ultra Lung Haul
ULL - Unbundling Local Loop
UHD - Ultra High Definition
Ultra-HD - Ultra High Definition
UI - User Interface
UMB - Ultra Mobile Broadband
UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UNI - Ente nazionale italiano di unificazione
UNI - User to Network Interface
UNINFO - Tecnologie Informatiche e loro applicazioni
UP - User Plane
UPBO - Upstream Power Back Off
UPC - Usage Parameter Control
UPCON - User Plane Congestion Management
UPF - User Plane Function
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
URBeLOG - URBan Electronic LOGistics
URI - Uniform Resource Identifier
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
URLLC - Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication
URSP - UE Route Selection Policy
US - Upstream
USB - Universal Serial Bus
USIM - Universal Subscriber Identity Module
UTA - Unità Trattamento Aria
UTDM - Unified TIM Data model
UTM - Unmanned Traffic Management
UTRAN - UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
UTRAN - Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
UTT - Under The Top
UV T-Growth - United Ventures T Growth
UX - User Experience
V2I - Vehicle to Infrastructure
V2N - Vehicle to Network
V2P - vehicle to pedestrian
V2V - Vehicle To Vehicle
V2X - Vehicle-to-X
V2X - Vehicle-to-everything
vAN - virtual Access Network
VAS - Value Added Services
VBR - Variable Bit Rate
VCC - Virtual Channel Connection
VCI - Virtual Channel Identifier
VCM - Video Coding for Machines
VCMS - Video Content Management System
VCSEL - Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
VDCN - Virtual Data Center Network
VDSL - Very high bit rate DSL
VDSL2 - Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2
Vectoring - Il segnale trasmesso su tutte le linee dello stesso cavo sono processati per la cancellazione della diafonia
VGA - Video Graphics Array
ViLTE - Video over LTE
VIM - Virtualised Infrastructure Manager
VIM - Virtual Infrastructure Manager Virtualization
VLAN - Virtual LAN (Local Area Network)
VLR - Visitor Location Register
VM - Virtual Machine
VMAF - Video Multi-Method Assessment Fusion
VMM - Visual Voice Mail
VNF - Virtual Network Function
VNFM - Virtual Network Function Manager
VNO - Virtual Network Operator
VNTP - Virtual Network Topology Manager
VOD - Video On Demand
VoIMS - Voice Over IMS
VoIP - Voice Over IP
vOLT - Virtual OLT (Optical Line Termination)
vOLT-HA - Virtual Optical Line Termination-Hardware Abstraction
VoLTE - Voice over LTE
VoNR - Voice over New Radio
VPA - virtual personal assistant
VPC - Virtual Path Connection
VPI - Virtual Path Identifier
VPIA - Valutazione Preventiva dell’Impatto Archeologico
VPLS - Virtual Private LAN Service
VPN - Virtual Private Network
VQE - Variational Quantum Eigensolver
VR - Virtual Reality
v-RAN - Virtualized Radio Access Network
VRU - Vulnerable Road User
VSEI - Versatile Supplemental Enhancement Information
VTN - Virtual Tenant Network
VULA - Virtual Unbundling Local Access (disaggregazione virtuale dell'accesso locale)
VVC - Versatile Video Coding
VVM - Visual Voice Mail
VXLAN - Virtual eXtensible LAN
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium
WAC - Whosale Applications Community
WACC - Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WAF - WebRTC Authorization Function
WAN - Wide Area Network: rete geografica
W-CDMA - Wideband Code Division Multiple Acces
WDM - Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WE - Europa occidentale
WEB - World Wide Web
WebRTC - Web Real Time Communication
WEF - World Economic Forum
WFQ - Weighted Fair Queuing (accodamento equo ponderato)
WG - Working Group
WI - Work Item
WIC - WebRTC IMS Client
WIFI - Wireless Fidelity
WIMAX - Worldwide Interoperability for MicroWave access
WL - WorkLoad
WLCP - Wlan Control Protocol
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network
WLR - Wholesale Line Rental
WMA-PON - Wavelength Multiplexed and Amplified PON
WMS - Warehouse Management System
WSDL - Web Services Description Language
WSON - Wavelength Switched Optical Network
WSN - Wireless Sensor Network
WSS - Wavelength Selective Switching
WWC - Wireless Wireline Convergence
WWSF - WebRTC Web Server Function
WWW - World Wide Web
X2 - Application Protocol (X2AP)
XaaS -“X” as a Service
XDSL - Indica i diversi tipi di connessione DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
XDSL - X Digital Subscriber Line
XG-PON1 - 10 Gigabit-capable PON
XG-PON - 10 Gigabit-capable PON (Passive Optical Network)
XGSPON - 10 Gigabit-capable Symmetric PON (Passive Optical Network)
xMBB - Extreme Mobile Broadband
XML - eXtensible Markup Language
XR - eXtended Reality
YANG - Yet Another Next Generation
ZOOM - Zero-touch, Orchestration, Operations and Management
ZSM - Zero-touch network and Service Management
ZTL - Zona a Traffico Limitato
ZTM - Zero Touch Management
ZTNA - Zero Trust Network Access