La sostenibilità per TIM

Bilancio di Sostenibilità 2023

Vogliamo contribuire ad accelerare la crescita sostenibile dell’economia e della società portando valore e benessere alle persone, alle aziende, alle istituzioni. Approfondisci

Ultimi Comunicati Stampa

Redazione ufficio stampa

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Claudio Diotallevi

Claudio is Lead IoT Architect – Automotive & Transport, at Ericsson, working within Business Area Technologies and New Businesses.
Claudio has previously held various ICT executive positions, among those Chief Information Officer at Italian HighSpeed Rail Operator ItaloTreno, where he led the implementation and operations of IT systems and Network infrastructures. He was also Senior Manager in Accenture, and has a wide technology background in Management Consulting and IT transformation programs. Claudio holds a Masters in Electronic Engineering from Politecnico di Torino and a Master in ICT Security from Cefriel/Politecnico di Milano.

dicembre 2018

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